Extend the life of your accessories: 5 tips to take care of them

extend the life of your accessories with these 5 tips

When investing in a new accessory, we always think about whether it will last us a long period of time or not. The truth is that there are many actions we can take to take care of them, thus extending the life of our accessories. The tips that you will see below apply to all types of accessories. Whether these are fantasy, or precious metals, you always have to take care of them. Read the following tips to extend the life of your accessories.

Avoid storing them in humid places.

This may sound like an impossible task, especially if you live in Panama (our hometown). A trick for this that has worked wonders for us is to put silica gel bags in your accessory box (these are the bags that usually come when you purchase bags or shoes) since they have the power to absorb moisture. In the same way, avoid storing them in humid places like the bathroom and others.

Organize them

Following the theme of how to store them, having them scrambled can damage them. Not only they get tangled, especially the chains (surely you’ve spent hours untangling them), but these can also lose their shape (imagine storing this way your EmpapelArte earrings, what a tragedy !?). Store each accessory in its box after using them and you will see how they will last a lifetime.

Put on accessories last when getting dressed

If you are applying perfumes and creams, wait for these to dry completely before putting on accessories. The substances they contain can damage materials, especially if we are talking about fantasy accessories. Wait for these to be fully absorbed by your body and then put on your accessories.

In this period of time, that we are constantly applying alcohol and hand gel, remember to remove your rings before applying it. The alcohol can damage its color that more quickly than expected.

Do not use them when doing chores

Like alcohol, lotions and perfume, dish detergent and other liquids used for household cleaning can damage your accessories. Before doing chores, take them off to extend the life of your accessories.

Avoid bathing with them.

More than anything, go to the pool or the beach since the chlorine and salt of each of these can corrode the materials of these accessories. In addition to this, avoid exercising with them. Sweat can also deteriorate them.

With these 5 tips you can have accessories that will last you a lifetime!